3am Mixtapes: Episode Sixty Four: Sex Rock w/ Savvie
Each week on the 3am Mixtapes podcast, I will share with you the Top Six Songs of a certain subject. The topics can be as general as best female-fronted bands , but some might be a little more... specific. Top Six Songs to Listen to While Hungover on a Sunday Morning.
"Boo Hoo Hoo" by No Sinner
"Do I Wanna Know" by Arctic Monkeys
"Make It Wit Chu" by Queens of the Stone Age
"First One In" by Zeus
"Without You" by Savvie
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This week I am joined by a special guest co-host, Savannah Leigh Wellman, who will tell me all about her new band Savvie, and her new favourite sound with the Top Six Sex Rock Songs!
"Get Some" by Lykke Li
Shake your hips to:
"Boo Hoo Hoo" by No Sinner
"Do I Wanna Know" by Arctic Monkeys
"Make It Wit Chu" by Queens of the Stone Age
"First One In" by Zeus
"Without You" by Savvie
Any questions or comments or waffles or criticisms or suggestions for future themes are welcome!